Coaching · mentoring

Balancing IQ with EQ to engage and inspire people to give their best is THE perennial challenge of any Business Leader.

Why choose coaching or mentoring?

Business leaders who aspire to greater, more demanding challenges often underestimate the nuances and tactics required in leading a team effectively.

A confidential, supportive environment that enables business leaders to focus on ways to elevate their own performance is critical to both personal achievement and the success of the company.

The key benefits, that coaching brings include:

  • The improvement of self awareness and impact on others
  • Creating the thinking time to make better decisions
  • Encouraging a positive, adaptable and open minded attitude

Coaching pulls out
the capacity people have within

Mentoring puts in
advice and content

Coaching vs mentoring?

Coaching is the art of facilitating performance, learning and development, whilst mentoring focuses on sharing wisdom as an experienced and trusted advisor.

Whilst I am able to impart sound business advice as a mentor, many clients are far more effective in reaching their performance/improvement goals through their own ideas and judgement, in which case coaching is the best solution.

The catalyst for this is often the incisive question(s) that highlights the core of an issue and allows the client time and space to consider their options and choose the right course of action.

High quality listening can facilitate stimulating and practical debate and enable the quality time needed to think through issues in a considered and practical way. Allowing the time, space and dialogue to reach the right decision are critical to any leader looking to make sustainable and effective change.

The Coaching and Mentoring Process

Fresh Limits adopts a structured and practical approach to all projects, recognising both the context of the business and the personal issues involved and always working towards a clear set of agreed outcomes.

Transparency, open mindedness and trust on both sides are integral to the process which is structured in a logical and measurable way.

 This includes:

  • A thorough 360 feedback dialogue
  • Acknowledging strengths and improvement areas
  • Understanding context and options available
  • Setting and prioritising of desired outcomes
  • On-going review of progress